Thursday, May 17, 2012


Dear President Obama

3, 623, 013

That is the number of children who will die before their fifth birthdays, between this week's G-8 Summit and the General Election in November.

this ad appeared in today's Washington Post sponsored by HungerFree and it was signed by twenty prominent Americans, mostly religious leaders--the President of the National Association of Evangelicals, the General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church, General Secretary of the American Baptist Churches, President of the Hispanic Evangelical Association, General Minister and President of the Disciples of Christ...I could go on...but not one Catholic Prelate. I guess we are too busy making sure those unruly nuns stop talking about ordaining women, that gay people don't get the benefits (and grief) of civil marriage, that priests translate calix as chalice and not cup, that Catholic social agencies don't distribute condoms and that our religious liberties are duly protected from the Hitler and Stalin-like Socialist Administration that threatening to ban God from public life--oh yes, and to make sure that the Girl Scouts are not getting indoctrinated by Planned Parenthood. Gosh we have a lot on our agenda!!! Who has time to worry about three million plus kids who will die in the next six months? Get a grip guys--WWJD.

I will be away the next two weeks doing some study and research and postings will be sporadic at best. hope to pick up again by June 1. in the meantime keep me in your prayers and I will pray for you--and the Church.

Oh—and check out

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